Person Centred Approaches

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I will be using this as a way to share ideas, examples and new information on anything connected with person centred approaches. If there is anything you would like to ask or share please contact me.


Friday 25 March 2011

Tool of the Month

Like and Admire One of the best parts of my job is having opportunities to meet lots of new people both within and outside of MacIntyre.

One thing I am always aware of is that during that first meeting people will decide very quickly if they like me or not and if they will want to spend time with me in the future.
This is the same for the people we support but unlike me they are not always in control of what information about them is shared with people even before that first meeting. One way we can support people to tackle this problem is to support them to develop their own Like and Admire.
This is the tool of the month. This tool ensures that people see the person first and not labels or reputations for example.

Like and Admire is:

  • Part of One Page Profiles

  • Part of Person Centred Reviews

  • At front of plans

    • We would love to see some of the Like and Admire tools that you have done. If you could send a copy or a photograph to Sarah-Anne Morgan at Central Admin or email